Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Education (pendidikan)

Good morning my Friends, My name is ...., I want to speech about "Education"

Ofcourse there are variety of reasons and opinions will appears when we hear the question "Is that important to learn English?" Of course there are some people said that learning English is important with their variety of reasons and opinions and there are some people said that learning English is less important even with their variety of reasons and opinions. In your opinion, is important to learn English?

My Friends,

Begin with the question about "is important to learn English?" How important do you think English to learn? We all know that English is one of some international languages that widely used in many country except Arabic, Chinese, and French. English is a language that comes from United Kingdom (UK) and then spread through colonization until Americas which then English was used there. From UK and U.S. who leter became a great nation that had a strong influence in all fields, English became the language that widely used today.

And those that make English imprtant as a language Are English is a language that has a special position in 75 countries and is used in more than 100 countries. English also is the international language for business, sports, academics, science, technology, adversiting and diplomatic.

Shall we ask "Is that important to learn English?"

My Friends,

There are still many people in this country do not agree about the importance of learning English which is accompanied by their variety of reasons and opinions. They argue:

Why do we have to learn English? If we still have our own language, Indonesian, that is used as our national and unifying language of our country.

Why do we have to learn English? If we still thousand of traditional languagees which we should preserve them together.

However, we live in this world is not free from the dependency of everything one country to others. From the dependency, we certainly need a unifying language between different countries with different languages. And English appears as that international language that we know. So, English is a language that must be learned from elementary school up to senior high school in order the students have an international outlook which of course will determine the future of our beloved country, Indonesia.

Shall we ask "Is that important to learn English?"

Not much that I can say to day, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot 


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