
Menampilkan postingan dari 2013

:: Lirik Lagu A Thousand Years by Christina Perri ::

A Thousand Years Christina Perri Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave How can I love when I'm afraid to fall But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer [Chorus:] I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this One step closer [Chorus:] I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more One step closer One step closer [Chorus:] I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be ...

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Drugs (Narkoba)

Good Morning everybody. Thank for the chance that has been given to me. My name is...   I want to speech about “DRUGS” the young generation that present here. Thousands of young generation have wasted their lives because of illicit drugs in our country, Indonesia. They were mostly victims of a ‘cruel’ environment, a broken-home family, of ignorance, of curiosity or particularly of the illegal drugs mafia. It is estimated that around 4 million people in Indonesia illicit drug users – about one in every 50 Indonesians. In the capital city of Jakarta, four per cent of illicit drug users in the country are children under 17 years old. People usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Narkoba’ is the Indonesian term for narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances. Psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu are considered favorites among the middle and upper class users. These drugs are readily available in all major urban a...

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Education (pendidikan)

Good morning my Friends, My name is ...., I want to speech about "Education" Ofcourse there are variety of reasons and opinions will appears when we hear the question "Is that important to learn English?" Of course there are some people said that learning English is important with their variety of reasons and opinions and there are some people said that learning English is less important even with their variety of reasons and opinions. In your opinion, is important to learn English? My Friends, Begin with the question about "is important to learn English?" How important do you think English to learn? We all know that English is one of some international languages that widely used in many country except Arabic, Chinese, and French. English is a language that comes from United Kingdom (UK) and then spread through colonization until Americas which then English was used there. From UK and U.S. who leter became a great nation that had a strong influen...

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Friendship

Good morning my beloved Friends, My name is ...., I want to speech about "Friendship" Do you know what is the meaning of word friendship? Yes… I believe everyone here know the answer. And I believe too, everyone here have friendship. Don’t care how many your friendship, one, two, three, four, or one hundred. I guess in your friendship way ever been find a problem. It is right? Than the problem make you and your friendship did’n speak to each other or make your friendship broken. Ohh…how frightening it is. But, don’t worry, I have some way to keep friendship strong. This it is à First , keep your promises. It will improve trustworthiness and reliability between your friendship. Second , honesty. Honesty is a prerequisite to the true friends' relationship. "Genuine friendship cannot exist where one of the parties is unwilling to say the truth." Next , forgiveness. If our friendship make fault, forgive him/her. No body is perfect! Believe that. Forgive is...

macam-macam simbiosis (interaksi antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya)

Simbiosis mutualisme 1.     flagellata dengan rayap, dan kutu buah dengan semut hitam 2.     Jamur dengan Ganggang Dalam simbiosis itu jamur bertugas manyerap air dan hara dari lingkungannya. Air dan hara digunakan oleh ganggang yang mempunyai klorofil untuk bahan fotosintesis sehingga dihasilkan senyawa organik. Senyawa organik hasil fotosintesis tersebut sebagian digunakan oleh ganggang dan sel-sel jamur.   3.     Protozoa   Mixotricha paradoxa   dengan   rayap   Mastotermes darwiniensis 4.     Kupu-kupu dengan bunga Dalam hubungan kupu-kupu dan bunga, kupu-kupu membantu bunga dalam penyerbukan sedangkan kupu-kupu dapat menghisap madu dari bunga. Jadi keduanya sama-sama diuntungkan. 5.     Ular sawah dengan petani Ular sawah dapat membantu petani mengurangi tikus dengan cara memangsa tikus-tikus tersebut yang merusak dan makan padi. 6.     Bakteri Rhiz...

macam-macam simbiosis (interaksi antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya)

Simbiosis mutualisme 1.     flagellata dengan rayap, dan kutu buah dengan semut hitam 2.     Jamur dengan Ganggang Dalam simbiosis itu jamur bertugas manyerap air dan hara dari lingkungannya. Air dan hara digunakan oleh ganggang yang mempunyai klorofil untuk bahan fotosintesis sehingga dihasilkan senyawa organik. Senyawa organik hasil fotosintesis tersebut sebagian digunakan oleh ganggang dan sel-sel jamur.   3.     Protozoa   Mixotricha paradoxa   dengan   rayap   Mastotermes darwiniensis 4.     Kupu-kupu dengan bunga Dalam hubungan kupu-kupu dan bunga, kupu-kupu membantu bunga dalam penyerbukan sedangkan kupu-kupu dapat menghisap madu dari bunga. Jadi keduanya sama-sama diuntungkan. 5.     Ular sawah dengan petani Ular sawah dapat membantu petani mengurangi tikus dengan cara memangsa tikus-tikus tersebut yang merusak dan makan padi. 6.     Bakteri Rhiz...