My blog is the outpouring of my heart, every person must have a huge experience to remember him and everyone would have to create a work of writing. this is my blog. congratulations to read
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1. Clipboard terdapat beberapa Fungsi yaitu : a. Paste : Menempatkan objek/teks yang ada di clipboard pada posisi titik sisip berada b. Cut : untuk memotong text yang ada pada lembar kerja c. Copy : untuk menyalin text d. Format Painter ...
Queue (antrian) Merupakan kumpulan data yang penambahan elemennya hanya bisa dilakukan pada sisi belakang dan penghapusannya hanya bisa dilakukan pada sisi depan. Konsep utamanya berkebalikan dari stack (tumpukan), yaitu First In First Out. Contoh : orang antri beli tiket ke kebun binatang, Mahasiswa antri bayar KRS. Implementasi antrian menggunakan dua pointer, yaitu pointer yang menunjukkan elemen terdepan dan elemen terakhir Operasi antrian 1. Menambah elemen baru pada bagian belakang antrian 2. Menghapus elemen baru pada bagian depan antrian 3. Melakukan pengecekan apakah antrian kosong. tidak mungkin menghapus antrian yang sudah kosong. CONTOH PROGRAM USING C++ : unit antrih.h # include <iostream.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <conio.h> # define alamat Elemen* // inisialisasi type data dan variable serta fungsi yang dibutuhkan typedef char tInfo; typedef struct Elemen { tInfo Info; alamat Berikut; }tElemen; typedef struc...
Good morning my beloved Friends, My name is ...., I want to speech about "Friendship" Do you know what is the meaning of word friendship? Yes… I believe everyone here know the answer. And I believe too, everyone here have friendship. Don’t care how many your friendship, one, two, three, four, or one hundred. I guess in your friendship way ever been find a problem. It is right? Than the problem make you and your friendship did’n speak to each other or make your friendship broken. Ohh…how frightening it is. But, don’t worry, I have some way to keep friendship strong. This it is à First , keep your promises. It will improve trustworthiness and reliability between your friendship. Second , honesty. Honesty is a prerequisite to the true friends' relationship. "Genuine friendship cannot exist where one of the parties is unwilling to say the truth." Next , forgiveness. If our friendship make fault, forgive him/her. No body is perfect! Believe that. Forgive is...
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